What a great way to do this challenge! Low pressure, but you end up feeling like you got a lot done!

When I did it, I had a whole plan for myself to make 100 pieces of art, but I pivoted and ended up letting 1 project take multiple days, which made me feel even better because I was giving more time to my work. 😊

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I love art challenges (not always complete them 🫠) and your idea is fabulous Jade! I will not confirm nor deny that I might be doing the 100day project again 🙊

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I love this SO much. I struggle with art challenges because they seem *so big* and I'm not sure if I can hold interest in a single idea for months on end. (Thanks ADHD!) But just playing with 100 ideas? *chef's kiss* Brilliant.

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Thanks, Veronica! You're so right, art challenges feel like such a big undertaking and committing to a single idea from day 1 all the way through 100 doesn't feel realistic for me either 😅 But the possibilities are endless with 100 of them! Feel free to try it too if you want, or save it for the next challenge

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